Attendance Matters

At St. Gerard's we are committed to maximizing the achievement of every child.  There is a clear link between good attendance and educational achievement.  We strive to encourage and support all our families to achieve 100% attendance.

The below table demonstrates the impact of poor attendance and punctuality on a child's education.

Every Friday in our achievement assembly we present the class with the overall highest attendance with an Attendance Certificate.

Classes are then given a score from 5 to 1.  At the end of each half term the class with the highest number of points on the leaderboard are invited to a Movie or Disco. The class will also be the guardian of the attendance award for the next term.

Attendance Champions Club

At the end of each term all children who have achieved perfect attendance will be invited either a movie or a disco.  Children will also receive a certificate and special mention in our awards ceremony.

End of Year 100% Attendance Celebration 

At the end of each school year, every children who have achieved 100% for the whole academic will receive a voucher for WH Smiths and a certificate. Each child will also be entered into a prize draw to win an additional surprise.

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