Collective Worship

Worship is an integral part of school life at St Gerard’s and is central to the Catholic tradition. Collective worship provides opportunities for our community to contemplate the mystery of God, reflect on spiritual and moral issues, experience a sense of belonging and grow in liturgical understanding.

The timetable of Collective Worship in our school is as follows:

Day Collective Worship
Monday Class Based Collective Worship following Sunday's Gospel
Tuesday Attend weekday mass at St. Gerard's
Wednesday Whole School or Key Stage Assemblies incorporating Collective Worship. These assemblies are based on Catholic Social Teaching focussing on current issues, emotional wellbeing and dates of significance
Thursday Class Based Prayer - Celebration of the Word
Friday Achievement Assembly

Children are taught to participate fully in Collective Worship and are encouraged to plan and lead as appropriate to their age. 


As well as regular, weekly Collective Worship, we hold celebrations in line with the church liturgical year including events during Holy Week, devotions to Mary during the months of October and May, special feast days, Advent prayer focus and Advent wreath blessings, to name but a few.

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