St. Gerard's Mini Vinnies

St. Gerard's Mini Vinnies are committed to helping our school community in whatever way they can. They are children from across Key Stage 2 who are passionate and enthusiastic individuals, bursting with ideas and are keen to get started on their mission to helps others.

We are connected to our parish's St. Vincent de Paul Group, who have bought the children their starter pack and are looking forward to working with the children during the year to help them raise awareness of social justice.

Here are the children at their commissioning ceremony. They made the Mini Vinnie pledge to the rest of school and received their Mini Vinnie lanyards.

This year they have completed their very first foodbank collection, shown great enthusiasm for a buddy bench and are working on some holy week Celebration of the Word for you all.

The SVP came to launch Mini Vinnies at our retreat during Holy Week 2023. Click below for more details.

What We Have, We Share

The St. Vincent de Paul Society have resources ready to help Mini Vinnies with all that they do. Take a look at their website.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Our Mini Vinnies did a reverse Advent Calendar to help them with a foodbank collection.

Reverse Advent Calendar
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